Face the Issues
Let The "Son" Shine In
The road to facing and conquering the storms and trials of life that have been holding us captive, thereby providing a way of escape through the Word of God and Faith in Jesus Christ.

There is
for a Brighter Day
This website is designed to reach the loss and the hurting. The world wide web has afforded me the opportunity to get the Word out about the Awesome Power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God has been good to me. He has brought me through so many trials, and tribulations and he has brought me through them victoriously.
There are so many sitting in the pews that are hurting and they feel they have no way out. There are so many more who have not made it to the pews who are hurting, who are wandering around bewildered-pain stricken-not knowing how to cope with life’s situations. Some of their trials are physical, some are emotional. All deal with life. Life is getting them down. Believe it or not, life happens to all of us.
This website is intended to minister to the hurting and to provide an avenue for healing. These issues will be witnessed by those who have dealt with the various issues of life that we may be presently dealing with. Someone who has been delivered from those issues will minister to us on how God has brought them out victoriously.
It is not meant to be the only means of escape. It is intended to show that there is a way out of the dilemma you are faced with. The opinions and opportunities presented here for escape will be delivered through the biblical perspective. It will be delivered by victims who are now victors. “They are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves them.” Testimonies will be presented and scripture references will be provided. Let me add that these are not professional opinions-most will be provided by people whose heart, mind, soul and body have been set free and/or delivered from various “issues of life”through the Word of God or the Word of God along with other means. In instances where testimonies are unavailable, words of wisdom or encouragement will be provided.
For those who might need credentials, I am a graduate of the Trinity Temple College of Religion located in Hinesville, Georgia with a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Studies, Masters Degree in Christian Counseling, and a Doctoral Degree in Church Administration. Although not all of the contributors on this site have college degrees, some of them do. However, it is not necessary to have a degree to contribute to this site. All one needs is to have conquered or have a need or desire to conquer an issue of life.
On this website we will start out by deaing with “Issues of Life” like death, sickness, abuse, marriage and divorce, cancer, various diseases, rape, child abuse, molestation, unemployment and much more. We will attempt to answer questions concerning teen pregnancy, premarital sex, the dangers of drugs and alcohol, coping with infidelity, the necessity of education, exposing molestation and many others too numerous to mention. We trust this site will be helpful and beneficial and that it will bring forth the healing and the peace we all have been longing for.
Not all of the issues will be addressed at the initial launch of this website. However, they will be as the site is further developed.
My prayer is that this site will be a blessing to you and yours. Just know that Jesus is the Answer.
In the Masters Service.
Evangelist Dr J. G.Johnson