Face the Issues
Let The "Son" Shine In
The road to facing and conquering the storms and trials of life that have been holding us captive, thereby providing a way of escape through the Word of God and Faith in Jesus Christ.

There is
for a Brighter Day
oVERAnswered Prayers
The Power of Prayer
We often hear and quote portions of the scripture “by his stripes I am healed”. But do we always believe what we say? Oft times when we say it, we are encouraging others. But what do we say or do when we ourselves need encouragement?
God has been so good to me and he has delivered me from many issues and situations. We never know what things we will encounter in life. When we look back and see all that we have been through, we sometimes think that the worst is over. As soon as we become confident and start to rest, here comes another trial.
I was there after the passing of my husband. Shortly after that, my brother was diagnosed with cancer and virtually given a death sentence. Our family and friends began to fast and pray for healing and deliverance. And because God is such an AWESOME GOD, he heard and answered our prayers. After major surgery and a short recovery period, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health. He said he was cancer free.
Upon his recovery and literally hours after I returned home, I received a call that my daughter was hospitalized and diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I had just returned from a four hour trip and had to get on the road again to make a six-to seven hour journey to care for her. My family assured me that they had everything under control and that I did not need to hurry. But how could I not hurry, this was my child. I had to get there as soon as possible. I am grateful to my pastor, my sisters, my brother and my sister-in-law, who kept me alert by talking to me on the phone for all those hours. We were also in continual prayer. Again, God heard and answered our prayers. He raised her up, he healed her.
After returning home on Saturday evening, I went to church as usual on Sunday morning. We had a wonderful time that morning. God truly blessed. On Sunday afternoon, we, the church family, visited another church. After the service was over, there was a repast in the fellowship hall. We all fellowshipped and returned home. Later that night, along with several others, I got food poisoning, became dehydrated and was subsequently hospitalized with kidney failure. I thought I was just tired, not really sick, just tired. I could not understand why I could not get up. After being sick for a week, my pastor and first lady offered to take me to the emergency room. However, because I am so strong willed, I refused saying I would be alright. But I thank God for a friend. She did not ask me if I wanted to go the emergency room, she said, this has been going on long enough, you need to be in the hospital. Get ready. All of my strong will was gone. I just said, okay. (read more)