Face the Issues
Let The "Son" Shine In
The road to facing and conquering the storms and trials of life that have been holding us captive, thereby providing a way of escape through the Word of God and Faith in Jesus Christ.

There is
for a Brighter Day
Consequences of Infidelity Continued:
The old adage, “a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush” could not be a truer saying. I say, hold onto what you got. And know that if there are problems in your marriage, God will work it out if you allow him to. Do not allow a sweet talker to enter into your marriage or your relationship. What God had joined together, let no man or woman put asunder.
The devil wants to destroy relationships. The song, “everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone, is applicable when marriages or relationships are broken due to infidelity. The songwriter, William Bell, said in that song, “Once I had a love, Oh but I wouldn't be true, To get back that love, Ain't nothing I wouldn't do, But I've loved and I've lost, Oh, and now I paid the cost”. That could easily be me singing that song, because once I had a love, and because I wouldn’t be true, the true love I had, I lost and ultimately I paid the cost. While I was cheating, and it was no secret that I was cheating, everyone who knew it saw no-harm in it. They actually thought that I deserved the happiness that it appeared I was enjoying. However, when I lost my home, they were no longer happy for me. I lost, and now I was all alone.
When you are the one who committed the infidelity, don’t think for a moment that there will not be consequences. You cheat, you get cheated on. It will come back on you. The pain and suffering that you caused someone, someone else will cause you that same pain. Think twice before you enter into an adulterous relationship. There is no fun in being cheated on. A broken heart is not easily mended. Because I was the one who was unfaithful, when I entered into a new relationship, I could not trust my new partner. Because I knew the word, I expected to be cheated on. I expected my new companion to be unfaithful to me. I felt they could never love me enough to be totally committed to me, after all, I had not loved my mate enough to be totally committed. Infidelity has lasting effects. It does not end when that relationship ends. It enters into every relationship that you enter into. Believe me, I know. The cheater expects to always be cheated on.
Word helps to those who have committed or is committing infidelity.
Proverbs 6:32 (NIV) says: “But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so, destroys himself.”
Think again before you decide to break your marriage vows, or before you are the one who causes another to break their vows. You are ultimately destroying yourself.
2 Peter 2:14(NIV) says: “With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed-an accursed brood.”
Do not allow the enemy to lead you away from God. One does not have to be a bible scholar to know that adultery is sin, they must however be strong enough to resist the wiles or temptation of the devil. In doing so, he will flee from you. Don’t be a conquest, be a conqueror. If you have been the unfaithful one in the past, do not allow the enemy to place you in that same position again. There is no victory in it. Even if you end up with that person you were unfaithful with, you are still the loser.
Hebrews 13:4 (NIV) says: “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”
Word to the wise, Heed the word of God, it does not lie.
"The Cheater Who Got Cheated"
Learned my Lesson